This is the skate park about 15 minutes away from my apartment. I've been trying to get out here every day that I have off work, and so far so good. I can handle the angles that I couldn't a week ago.
I met Paul here yesterday and he's helped me fix my stance and push off, and showed me how to start getting momentum on the half pipe. It's still pretty damn scary, but not nearly as bad as when I first started.
This is something I've wanted to start doing since before I can remember.
yeah that would be scary... don't break any bones now
Court? Your pictures didn't come through. Make sure they are jpeg.
Haha, yeah sis. =) It's scary. But I be safe because I don't have the guts to try anything cool and therefore dangerous. =x
Momma, you're crazy. The pictures showed up fine on this computer. Crazy Mommy.
do. not. break. anything.
the pictures must be blocked at work because I can see them at home.
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